NS Design just wrapped on it’s first ever CONNECTLIVE hour long online livestreaming event with music and conversation with The Company Stores, from Charleston, West Virginia on Thursday, March 4th at 5pm EST. These indie-roots rockers performed original songs from their upcoming release, featuring NS Artists Michael Micuccui, on CR6 RADIUS bass, and Joeseph Cevallos, NXTa and WAV violin.
A concept born of the fun and informative CONNECT2021 Virtual Gathering January event hosted by NS Founder Ned Steinberger, with NS Artist Relations Manager Corey Redonnett, this was the first of its kind CONNECTLIVE event. This hour long chat and performance highlights included additional NS Artist Educators Brittany Frompovich, and Scott Laird, along with friends Matt Laird, Matt Bell of Electric Violin Shop, Mark Gollihur, founder of Gollihur Music, and Barry Moorehouse, founder of The Bass Centre, House Music, and Brian May Guitars. It was a great hour of music and discussion.
We welcome you to watch this virtual gathering and learn a bit about how the artists use their NS instruments to get the variety of sounds in performance.
The instruments featured in this event were the CR6 RADIUS Bass Guitar and the NXTa Electric Violin, and WAV Electric Violin.