NS Cello
Kotaro Saito
CR6 Cello
Matthew Schoening
CR5 Cello
Sean O’Bryan Smith
NXT Double Bass, NXT Cello
Olivier Soubeyran
CR Cello
Radina Tara Vel
CR Cello
Cadenza The Group
NXTa Violin, NXTa Viola, NXTa Cello, WAV Violin
Shana Tucker
US5 Cello
Keith Tutt, II
CR5 Electric Cello
Brian Webb
NXT5aF Cello - Fretted
Todd Williams
CR6 Cello
Antonin Winter
CR4 and CR6 Electric Cello, NXT4a Electric Cello,
Janice Wong
CR5 Cello
Adrienne Woods
CR5 Cello