NS Design is pleased to announce the name of its new line of electric bowed instruments: the NXT series.
The NXT name was selected from among over 1,100 entries in an online contest, held from June 1st to June 15th. Bass-player Catherine Konrath made the winning entry—time-stamped at 3:27 PM EST on June 1st. However, in a narrow miss, fellow bassist Rob Harris also suggested the NXT name exactly 50 minutes later.
Konrath wins one of the NXT basses, to be delivered when the instruments reach the U.S. market later this year. It will be Konrath’s second Steinberger-designed instrument, joining an L2 Bass. She writes:
Wow…I cant believe it! Woohoo!
I turned in several suggestions and this was one of my favorites…I’ve always been a big fan of your instruments and infact have an old L2 Bass that is in desperate need of a refret at this point; Or possibly retirement. 🙂
Thanks so much…
I will be smiling for days, if not longer…
NS Design thanks all its online supporters for the hundreds of name suggestions they entered in the contest, and for their great enthusiasm for NS instruments. The NXT series will become available in the U.S. later this year. Stay tuned to this site for pictures and more details.