NS Design recently showcased an online series of informative and entertaining events including special performances, demonstrations, and live roundtable discussions among NS Artists, and NS founder Ned Steinberger, hosted by NS Artist Relations Manager Corey Redonnett. You can see a collection of videos and demonstrations at thinkNS.com/connect.
A message from NS Design founder Ned Steinberger
I would like to express my special thanks to all the wonderful musicians who helped to make our NS Connect 2021 a success. Your knowledge, insight, and creative spirit, so freely shared for everyone’s benefit, was inspirational for me and I’m sure for all who participated in the event. I believe this is the beginning of a new level of connectivity for our growing and vibrant NS family. Thank you for making all this possible. I hope you have a great year! Ned
Violinists and Violists
Anna Blanton
Eliza James
Ernest Bisong
Dr. Gregory Walker
Ion Zanca
Jason Yang
Jonas Peterson
Jozef Nadj
Julie Lyon Lieberman
Ken Ford
Matt Bell
Luis Montilla
Rebecca Schlappisch-Charles
Rudof Haken
Scott Laird
Brian Webb
Calum Ingram
Daniel Achebes
Greg Byers
Guy Michel
Katie Larson
Kirsten Jones
Maddy Herdeman
Zack Clark
Bakithi Kumalo
Brittany Frompovich
Chance Onody
Chris Wyse
Daniell Escortell
Derek Menchan
Donald Waugh
Jake Moore
James “Hutch” Hutchinson
Lucas Steinberger
Marcos Varela
Michael Micucci
Nick Cañas
Nick Villalobos
Noor Che’ree
Pepe Hernandez
Yorgis Gioricelaya
Zach Rudulph